
Thanks to Politecnico di Torino and Regione Piemonte funding, J-TECH@POLITO is equipped with the following world-class facilities:

  1. Custom-built Computed Tomography with in-situ mechanical testing (tensile, compression, bending, with a loading cell of 10 kN), with a chamber size of 3,5 m x 2,5 m x 2,5 m  able to scan samples up to 0,5 m x 0,5 m x 0,5 m with resolution of about 5 microns (*).
  2. Multipurpose joining/brazing/soldering facilities operating in vacuum, inert and reactive atmospheres, up to 1700 °C (up to 1800 °C in air ) (*).
  3. Universal tensile/compression machine operating up to 1200 °C in inert atmosphere, with a loading cell of 50 kN, equipped with high precision laser extensometer in micro and macro range with 0,7 microns of resolution (*).
  4. Friction Stir Welding with a high-load capacity (100 kN vertical force, 600 N meter torque), with CNC control and high precision sensors to manage the welding parameters in real-time (*).
  5. Thermography analysis with thermal camera and a low power laser source can perform non-destructive, reliable tests of welded joints the weld quality and the on-line monitoring of the welding process.
  6. Non-destructive test based on impulse excitation technique for measurement of Young modulus, shear modulus, Poisson ratio and internal friction/damping, up to 1600 °C; it acts as quality control tool by comparing resonant frequencies. It works also as dilatometer.
  7. Torsion test system designed to measure torsional properties up to 25 Newton meter up to 800 °C.
  8. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy with EDS and EBSD, resolution lower than 2.5 nanometer (*).
  9. Six axis anthropomorphic robot with a payload of 20 kg, equipped with: Diode laser head (spot 0.6 mm); Surface hardening & surface low temperature treatments head; Rectangular Spot laser (2 mm width) head; Cold metal transfer (CMT) arc welding head (*).
  10. Split Hopkinson Bar apparatus with high speed visible and infrared cameras and fast data acquisition systems to evaluate the mechanical response of materials with test durations less than a millisecond (*)
  11. Electrodynamic testing machine for combined axial-torsional fatigue tests, with maximum axial load of 15 kN, torsional moment of 70 N meter, load frequency of 50 Hz (*).
  12. Ultrasonic testing machines for Very-High-Cycle Fatigue tests up to 10 billion cycles at room and high temperature (*).

 (*) co-funded by Regione Piemonte Project INFRA-P – 2017


 Already available facilities at Politecnico di Torino departments: